This is a different post than what you are use to seeing from me. It is not a Zentangle® post. Some of you who have followed my blog for a while may not be as surprised by it, but probably still unexpected. If you looked at my description of my blog and looked at some of the other pages, other than the Zentangle® related pages, will know that I also do knitting and crocheting. When our first grandchild was born I decided to make an afghan for her. Figured it was something that I could do that was unique. It turned out that way as 6 grandchildren and 6 afghans later, they still use them. Number 6 was a few years ago and I thought I was done, unless I lived long enough to have great grandchildren. Well we had a surprise and grandchild number 7 is due anytime now. This will also be our first grandson. With all the other things going on, was not sure that I would be able to get his done before he was born. Somehow I miraculously made it. Adding to the task is that I have done different patterns with each grandchild. Took me some time to decide on what I wanted to do. This one is a simple cluster pattern and like Zentangle® method. is a repeating pattern. Guess you could call it a mono-pattern afghan.Well enough rambling. Here is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy it.

Used Caron simply soft yarn. Colors are Royal Blue and White.
Took the second picture so that you could see the repeating pattern better.
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